The valid passport with visa is mandatory. In view of the bilateral agreements, nationals of the following countries may visit Rwanda without visa for a period up to 90 days: USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sweden, Mauritius, South Africa and Hong Kong. Visas can be applied online or bought upon arrival.
Rwanda issues the following types of visas:
1. Tourist
2. Transit
3. Diplomatic
4. Official
5. Business
Diplomatic and Official Passports are issued free visas.
For holders of other passports, the Embassy of Rwanda issues single entry or multiple entry visas. No visas are required for US citizens.
The maximum duration of stay that the Embassy can authorize is three (3) months, beyond which Government approval from the Department of Internal Affairs in Kigali, Rwanda is required.
It takes two-and-a-half to three (2 1/2 – 3) business days to process visa applications.

On-Line application :
The applicant may apply on-line by filling the Visa on-line Application Form and following its instructions.
Visa Application by mail :
To apply by regular mail, the following documents are required :
– Two (2) copies of the Visa Print Application Form. You must submit each copy with an original signature.
– Two (2) passport-size photographs signed by the applicant.
– Valid passport.
If you are going to Rwanda on official business or if you are being sent by a company or organization, please include a letter from your employer introducing you and stating the purpose of your visit with your application.
If you are going to Rwanda for other reasons, please describe in a letter the specific activities planned and the exact period of stay in Rwanda.
U.S. Citizens do not require a Visa to travel to Rwanda.
For all non-U.S. passport holders: you should send a copy of your documentation authorizing you to stay in the United States. If you cannot provide this documentation, please obtain your visa in the passport country of origin.
A yellow fever shot is required. We do not have to see your inoculation booklet in order for you to obtain a visa.
Proper attire and conduct are required of persons visiting and staying in Rwanda.
Payment is by BANK CHECK or Credit Card only.
Please do not send cash or a personal check.
a) Single Entry Visa $30.00
b) Multiple Entry Visa $90.00
The processing time most probably is the end of the day you apply or early the following morning, unless travel is for this day.